Our Farm on June 10
Those of you who visited our little Farm earlier this Spring would not recognize it now! We've been busy dividing, transplanting, weeding, and spreading eel grass for mulch. AND, we even mowed the grass! So, if you're coming for a visit this weekend you shouldn't get your tootsies wet at all! Plants are growing Fast and Furious and many are now too far along to be dug :( (But there's always next year!)
Deschampsia cespitosa June 10
The Deschampsia is looking So Pretty! Remember, it will still be available in Sept. once the temps. start to cool down. Deschampsia 'Bronzeschelier' hasn't bloomed yet so it is still available for sale.
Miscanthus Giganteus on June 10
LAST CALL for Miscanthus Giganteus and Miscanthus Purpurascens this weekend unless you want to trim them back when you plant them! Miscanthus 'Sarabande', 'Gracillimus', and 'Variegatus' are at their height limits for transplanting as well. We will have a few in grow bags; first come first served!
Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'
The Panicums are perfect for transplanting now as are Big Bluestem & Little Bluestem, Indian grass, Sporobolus heterolepsis (northern dropseed), Blue Fescue, the Eragrostis'es (Lovegrasses) & Calamagrostis 'Overdam' because we moved them this Spring and that has slowed them down a bit. There are still some Pennisetum 'Hameln' & 'Moudry' left.
Lavandula angustifolia 'Krajova' June 10
Lavender Plants are now potted up for you convenience. People are amazed that they are fragrant even before they bloom! I've potted up a bunch for around our seating areas & for gifts!
Blue Oat grass June 10
Everyone that sees The
Blue Oat these days wants one or two or more (Just remember they'll be for sale again in Sept. Folks!) Our Gardens are Full of Bees these days; when the wind dies down again I'll try to capture some photos of them on the flowering Geraniums and Blueberries. Thanks Mighty Pollinators!