It's been really slow warming up this Spring. We had some days in the 20's C three weeks ago and it's been a roller coaster ever since. Yesterday we had lots of rain and a high of only 8 C. Today is much nicer and Sunny; should go to 17 C. It's been great for dividing and transplanting our ornamental grasses but the warm season grasses are very slow to grow. Cool season grasses are really jumping out of the ground.
Our Miscanthus 'Zebrinus' divisions for next year with Deschampsia in the background
We had a heavy frost early last week that damaged the tips of some of the more sensitive ones. After all this lovely rain all we need is some steady warm days and they will all take off! We're open for Sales this Sunday afternoon from 2:00 - 7:00 and through the week from 8:30 to 7:00 by appointment. We are sold out of Miscanthus 'Variegatus'.
Calamagrostis 'Overdam' & 'Karl Foerster' on May 26, 2013 at Lovegrass Farm
HI Paulette! We are having a slow spring in NL as well! It is June 14 and wet and chilly .... Missing your lovely grasses, lavender and of course the food - I have the slowest growing grasses in my little garden - I am assuming it is because of the late spring ... Miss you, Shar