Sunday 17 April 2011

Ornamental Grasses in Medians

Median in Portland Maine
While traveling we are always curious to see how others are using Ornamental Grasses.  On a trip to Portland, Maine we found this lovely sculpture and Fescue Grass in a Median.  

Plymouth, Mass.
 While on another trip to Massachusetts, the Town of Plymouth had lovely beds of Leymus arenarius (Dune grass) in their public park by the harbor.  Love the creativity in the walkway as well!

Leymus in a Median in Plymouth
 This Median on the street really caught my eye.  Leymus is adapted to use in traffic Islands and other sites with poor, compacted soil and exposure to salt.  Wouldn't it be great to see something Native and more Creative planted in our new roundabouts!  We Need to Think Outside The Box, People! (and that's my rant for the week)

1 comment:

  1. Love your 'rant' Paulette..marigolds & petunias [while lovely] are getting a little old..Why replant year after year???..the grasses would still be wonderful in late fall even with some snow. Loving your photos...I am now excited about grasses..
